Wednesday, November 28, 2018

My 90 Day Workout Program

I have been developing this workout program for the last six months. It started quite a bit different then it ended up. I was aiming to make it a workout for beginners all the way to the very physically fit. While looking for programs for me I was always frustrated to find that they were either aimed towards beginners or extremely fit. So I made my own :D I had a few friends and family at different fitness levels try the different stages of the program and have gotten some good feed back.

If you decide to try it feel free to comment what you like and don't like about it. This is still a work in progress so any input would be welcome.

Saturday, November 3, 2018


I'm back!!!! It's been awhile since I have posted. I was busy being pregnant, super sick, and having a new born. I am trying to get back on top of my fitness again. Yay!

New Aerobic Dance:

This dance is dedicated to this sweet girl in my neighborhood, ZoeJane. She is fighting a rare form of cancer. To learn more about her you can go to her page on facebook : . Her and her family are fighting this hard. If you can, please donate to help this amazing girl and her amazing family.