Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Intermittent Fasting

Since my daughter was born I have been trying to get fit, healthy, and energized again. I felt like I was doing what I needed to between exercise, eating habits, and sleep. But for some reason I just wasn't seeing the results I was hoping for. I started hearing about intermittent fasting from two of my brothers. I did some research on it to make sure it was safe and beneficial and I was pleased with what I found in my research. So I took the leap. I decided to try the 16/8 schedule. So I only allow myself to eat between noon and 8:00 p.m. The first couple of weeks it was pretty hard. I always do my workout in the morning between 8:00 and 9:00 so by the time noon came around I was DYING! My body was definitely not used to that. Cardio days were especially tough. But after awhile it started getting easier. I still get REALLY excited for lunch... just ask my kids. I even have a fun alarm that goes off at noon and me and the kids do a funny little happy dance. But I don't feel like I am going to be sick or pass out before noon. And the biggest reason I am posting about this is I lost the weight, quite quickly, that I had been trying to loose for a year. I have passed my weight goal! I'm also to the point where my body is used to this. I feel like this can stay as a part of my life style and it doesn't make me depressed. Just to be aware, not everyone will have success with this. For example, one of my brothers that did this for awhile did not get the results he wanted and decided it was not for him. But you never know until you try it!

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