Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Another Kid, Another Plan

UPDATE: So I have got two kids now! Ahh! It really puts a new spin on everything. But this baby girl is amazing and I am so happy to have her! Little J is 3 months old now and my body is finally to the point where I can start attacking the workouts. I have not been able to get back to Zumba because A will no longer stay in a stroller and jam to the music. Now he wants to run out in the group and cause havoc :P So I feel like I have to stay home and do my workouts. Luckily I have developed a nice collection of videos.

So today I want to share something I have learned recently. I have really struggled doing an entire 45 minute or longer workout because I am constantly having to pause it because Baby J needs her binky, or A ran into the edge of the table again and he needs a kiss :P You know, stuff like that. But I found these two amazing videos that gave me a great idea and it has really been working well. One is called Core Fusion Pilates Plus and the other one is called 10 Minute Solution Pilates for beginners. They both have 5 10-minute workouts. So during the day between each time I need to feed J I do one of the 10-minute workouts. It short enough that A doesn't get bored and start begging for my attention and I can usually get through ten minutes without J getting fussy. Since they are Pilates doing it for 10 minutes is not a waste of time. Only doing cardio for 10 minutes would not be worth it for my body. I try to fit my cardio in before the kids get up in the morning or during nap time but that doesn't always work out with both kids working different schedules. Finding 10 minutes every 3 hours works pretty well for me. If your busy you might want to give it a try :D

Back to being the muffin top girl!

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