Thursday, November 20, 2014

Not Very Helpful Pregnancy Post!

So I am pregnant... I am 31 weeks along so I am kind of coming to the end of pregnancy. If you call 9 weeks coming to an end. Still feels like a long time to me ;) We are going to have a little girl and I am very excited.
This pregnancy has been very tough on me physically and emotionally. After having A I worked so hard to get back into shape. I felt so good! But then I got pregnant again and I got very sick for the first two trimesters. I feel like I lost everything I worked so hard for in my body. I no longer have very good endurance and I am very tired. I know it is ok because I can get back into shape after baby girl is born.
I made a goal when I found out I was pregnant to keep working out but that didn't work very well. The most I have been able to do is go on little walks. I went and bought some prenatal workout videos and no matter how low key I tried to do them I always ended up throwing up for a day or days afterwards. For this blog I like to have answers for people struggling with being healthy... well I have found I don't have an answer to this problem. The best advice I can give to women who are pregnant and sick is to walk. Also I have been counting my calories because this last trimester I want to just eat all day. So those two things have helped. I am proud to say that I weigh 20 pounds less in this pregnancy then I did when I was pregnant with A. That is 20 pounds after baby girl is born that I won't have to deal with!
Before I got pregnant this time around my depression and anxiety were at the lowest for me. I was constantly getting good workouts that gave me wonderful amounts of endorphins. When the working out stopped so did the extra dose of happiness. I have been struggling with that for this entire pregnancy. I have done research and I have not found an answer to this problem. I can't wait to get that back once I have the health to workout again! So if you can workout take advantage of it!
For all you women out there that have hard pregnancies, lets just barrel through it! Don't expect yourself to go to the gym if it makes you sick. Lets be smart and do what we can, walk as much as we can, make sure we don't give into every craving. The better we treat our bodies today the easier it will be to get back on our feet.
Before I got pregnant again I was no longer a muffin top girl. :D But I am excited for after this baby comes to be that muffin top girl again and work it off again! Haha!

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