Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What's Your Excuse?

I have had a few people talk to me lately about how they would like to lose weight and become more healthy but they can't exercise because of _____. It has made me think a lot about these reasons. Almost every excuse people give me as to why they don't exercise I have dealt with using those same excuses. So I have put a few together and will talk about how you can get past those reasons and what I have done.

Well yeah, I don't know many people that want to. A lot of the time I go workout I don't really want to. So awhile back I came up with an idea that I still use today and it works really well. I call it... turning off my brain! I set an alarm for the time I should workout and when that alarm goes off, I don't think about it. I go straight into my room, put my tennis shoes and sports bra on! The more I think about it the less likely I actually make it. I don't give myself the option of sitting there arguing with myself making it more complicated than it has to be. 

This is a big one. We live in a world where we run around stressing out all the time and that is just the way it is unfortunately. Lots of my friends are going to school, having a job, starting a family, etc...  ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Being told you need to take time to exercise seems insane. And... it is :) This is when we have to start getting creative. What I did is bought a few 45 minute workouts on DVD. I made myself find time weather is between work and running to school or getting up 45 minutes earlier than I usually did or going to bed a little later. For all you college goers! Some campuses are crazy big and you have classes all over. If you are taking a lot of time walking (or running :P) to and from classes  you shouldn't worry about going and working out in the gym on top of that (in my opinion). If your job requires a lot of physical activity, count that! If you are a mom with hyper crazy kids that you have to run after all the time, I think that totally counts. Especially if you play with your kids, take them to the park, go bike riding WITH THEM! I take Alex to Zumba with me and he loves it. I can still be a mom and be active. 

I know you don't want to hear this but exercising will help with that. Actually when I am feeling tired and sluggish the best thing I do to help pull myself out of it is to workout. This also ties into "I don't want to". Set that alarm, turn off your brain, and get your sleepy butt up and moving.

I really struggled with this one and there were a few things that helped me get past it. First all I did when it came to working out was doing those DVD's alone at my apartment. But that got really boring. Then I was told something that really changed my outlook. I can't remember who told me this and I wish I could because they deserve a million bucks for changing my life for the better. They told me to stop worrying what other people were thinking about me because everyone else is thinking the same thing. Other people are all so worried about how they look and what other people are thinking about them that they are usually not being as critical about us as we are being to ourselves. Wow... I hope that made sense. And you know what, if they are being critical of how you look while exercising, their opinion really doesn't matter. :P You need to do what is best for your health. 

Running on a treadmill... doing a bizzilion crunches... push ups.... jumping jacks... BORING! Here are some things that are exercise that I don't consider boring at all. 
  • Dancing (zumba)
  • Biking
  • Cleaning (yes I think that is fun :P) Turn up the upbeat music!
  • Gardening
  • Hiking
  • Judo, karate, kick boxing, tae kwan do
  • Yoga
  • Swimming
  • Walking with a friend
  • Rock climbing
  • Roughhousing with your kids
  • Playing on the playground
  • Capture the flag
  • Baseball, basketball, volleyball, kickball, etc...
Now what is your excuse? :P

Now this one can be a very good excuse not to work out. BUT... people tend to abuse it. I read something in a health magazine that has helped me know when I should and shouldn't work out while being sick. What it said was if all your symptoms are from the neck up you should be fine to get your daily workout. It did say that maybe you should not work at your highest intensity but you don't need to skip the workout completely. For example if you have a cold and your congested and have a bit of a sore throat you should be fine to take a little jog, or do a lower intensity dance video. But if you have a cold and you have chills, aches and pains, or a fever don't feel bad at all for just curling up on the couch and taking it easy. You don't want to make yourself more sick. 

Having personal experience with this I hope I can help those better who struggle with getting out of bed or having any desire at all to get the sweat on. This is where the "Turn your brain off" works best. I sound like a broken record but when its your mind that is keeping you from putting those tennis shoes on that is the perfect time to turn it off. I have discovered something amazing! I have been told this for years but I just didn't get it until I experienced it. Working out WILL make you feel better. That anti depressant won't hold a candle to how much better getting a good workout on a regular basis will do. It is not a cure, but it sure is a boost that will help you get closer to feeling like you've been cured. 

I hope this will help someone. :) Hey, and don't go saying that these ideas don't work unless you at least try it. ;P  Have a happy workout! :D

Playing at the park with my bros :D

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