Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Maintaining is easier than losing!

I have decided that as long as I stay under 120 pounds I am not going to count calories on myfitnesspal. It is kind of exhausting to center my life around that every day. I feel that is all I think about. My weight goal is 120 pounds so I decided I would count calories if I am there to protect me from going over. I feel like I would rather attack the problem before it gets out of hand. Maintaining weight is so much easier than loosing weight.
I feel like that is a good way to see a lot of things in my life. Instead of trying to loose weight I would like to maintain it. Instead of trying to fix a messed up marriage I would rather work right now on the small problems. Instead of trying to clean up a super messy apartment I would rather spend a couple minutes a day cleaning up. And on and on. I think I need to read this post a lot to remember to do those things every day :P

Thursday, November 7, 2013

New Goal till January

I have decided since my last post something I can do to float me through the holidays a little bit. Right now I consider a good life style to be for me to exercise 3 or 4 times a week and count my calories. But for the holiday season, because I know I am going to need it, I am going to work out every day. I have kind of been a stickler with myself that the habits I get into now are what I want to do for the rest of my life but I need a little extra push. Once I get into January I think it will be safe to slow down. Here I go...

Workout for today: 45 minute dance off the inches video
Weight: 119.3

I can make it!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Holiday Season

The holiday season is in full swing and I am scared!!!! Halloween has already hit and I gained 5 pounds! Thanksgiving and Christmas are even harder to stay good. I have been keeping up with counting my calories so every time I go over I know it.... which has been too often lately. I need some help with finding a way to be able to eat all the yummy things these holidays bring without gaining weight. I have kept up with my exercise so I have been doing good there. Any suggestions on how to pull through the season of egg nog and pie?

Weight: 119.3