Friday, May 24, 2013

Lets see if blogging motivates me!

May 24, 2013
Hi my name is Jaycie and I have a muffin top. This came along in the usual way of my cute new addition to my family, Baby A. He turned 3 months old yesterday. Before he was even born I was itching to loose the weight I was gaining. 6 weeks after he was born the doc told me I was ok to start exercising again and I got right on it.... for about a week. My motivation to exercise got less and less and my lack of sleep got more and more. I started reading health magazines trying to find and "easy" way to loose weight. (None exist, just so you know). I finally decided I just need to do it the hard way, the only way, but I needed to find motivation some how. While this morning laying on the couch reading yet another health magazine I read something that got my attention. It said, "Blog your goal: It's harder to quit in front of an audience." I thought that sounded funny at first but then it sank in. I have just recently watched Julie and Julia so I kind of got excited about it. So here I go. I will take notes during the day and report the next day on here.

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