Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

Monday May 27, 2013
So Monday was memorial day and I kind of did bad. But I guess that is what happens when your whole family goes to a buffet :P So the question of the day is, can you do bad on holidays? Or will it just turn into an "exception" that could possibly turn into a long list of "exceptions". I think if I were to eat a ton and get no exercise every holiday, birthday, or weekend I would be doing terrible about half the time. So I guess the answer is probably no. But at the same time I think its ok to be a little lenient on those days because you don't want to miss out on all the fun. You still have to control yourself though. Since my family went to a buffet what I should have done is picked a couple of things I just had to have and had a smaller portion. And I still needed to spend some time exercising. Then I could still enjoy myself but not hate myself the next day :).

Breakfast: Frosted Flakes
Lunch: 2 cups of root beer, 3 hot wings, 2 roles, Caesar salad, shrimp, 2 coconut macaroons, chocolate strawberry, ice cream, chocolate marshmallow, cotton candy
Dinner: 1 cup of chocolate milk, pulled pork sandwich
Weight: 132.9
Remembering my Grandma on this Memorial Day :)

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