Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blogger Hobby!

Sunday May 26, 2013
One of the reasons I started this blog was because Husband T told me I needed to find a hobby for myself. What I really wanted to do was to join a softball team, or a colorguard team, or a choir
. But I just don't have that kind of free time with my little boy. I asked him if feeding the baby or laundry was counted as a hobby and he said it had to be something I enjoyed. So I asked him if taking showers could be my hobby. He said no.... :P So I asked him if photography worked and he said it did. So I decided that is what I would do in my free time. The problem is I don't really like taking pictures of things that much, I mean its ok. But I love taking pictures of people. I guess that is not the problem... the problem is I am basically antisocial so that wouldn't work out too well :P. So because I needed help staying motivated to exercise and to eat right I started a blog and Husband T says that works as a hobby too. Yay! So now I have a hobby that I can do and have time to take care of my baby.

Breakfast: 2 pop tarts, 1 glass 1% milk
Lunch: Crackers and cheese, taquitos, coke
Dinner: Fettuccine, broccoli, 1 piece of bread, 2 cups of apple juice
Dessert: Cheesecake, 1 marshmallow, 2 rice crispy treats
Weight: 131.4 lbs.
Exercise: Played at park for 30 minutes

My State Championship winning colorguard team 2008 :)

1 comment:

  1. I SOOOOO understand you! I want to join a jazz band or a choir too, but can't for the same reasons. But this blog is pretty cool - way to go! So, I've been looking for a photographer for my family too, so you are so totally my answer. Take that antisociality! - Taryn
