Friday, May 31, 2013

Goal: size 5!

Thursday May 30, 2013
I have been told by several health magazines that I need to have a specific weight loss goal to reach by a specific date. But I am not going to do that. I have been weighing myself every day and trying to loose weight but that is not necessarily why I am doing this. The healthy weight for someone my height and build is 121 to 135 so I am in that zone. But I am not happy with how I look so that is what I want to change. When I was first told it was ok for me to exercise again I was really determined to loose weight. So I started working out a lot and I started gaining weight!!! I got so frustrated and just gave up. Something occurred to me though, I was gaining weight but I had gone down 3 pant sizes while exercising! I don't know why I didn't remember this insanely common fact that muscle weighs more than fat. So I am going to try not to focus too much on the weight that I put down every day and just try to fit into my favorite jeans someday. I used to wear size 5. After having Baby A I was at a size 13! Now I can barley fit into my size 7 jeans. 2 more sizes to go!

Breakfast: 1 bowl of Honey Bunch of Oats fruit blend
Lunch: Ham and cheese crescent hot pocket, cherry fruit role up, 2 glasses of grape juice
Dinner: Chicken, rice a roni, string beans, 2 glasses of grape juice
Snack: Coke, cheese and crackers, lemon herbal tea
Weight: 131.8
Exercise: 40 minute dance off the inches hip hop body blast, 35 minute walk with my mom
I want that waist again :)

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