Sunday, June 2, 2013

I never have to skip a meal again!

Friday May 31, 2013
I used to think the less I ate the better off I would be. So I would skip breakfast and lunch and barley eat anything before dinner. Well I read in one of my health magazines that is not going to help me loose weight. (It will just make you sick). If you don't blow off meals you will loose on average 8 more pounds a year!!! If you do blow off meals your body will get really confused and might start storing fat. I call it "starvation mode". You may not be actually starving but your body may think that it will soon if you deprive it of what it naturally needs.
I actually love that I found this out because I really love eating. Skipping meals was always so depressing :P

Breakfast: 1/2 blueberry bagel with cream cheese, 1 glass of 1% milk
Lunch: Beef and bean chimichanga, apple, coke
Dinner: Quesadilla, chips and dip, 1 1/2 glass of 1% milk
Snack: Orangeade
Weight: 132.9
Exercise: 50 minutes fat blasting dance mix, 1 1/2 hour walk with Jelaire.

That is so me eating an apple :)

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