Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Weight Fluctuation

So I was super excited on Monday because I got my weight down to the one hundred and twenties. Ya 129.9 is way too close to 130 but I didn't care. I was still really excited. But then on Tuesday I got frustrated because I was back up to 131.4. So I googled weight fluctuation to see why this happens because I have noticed it a lot. I read this really good article.
After thinking about it I feel better now. I was fluctuating between 131 and 134 and now I am fluctuating between 129 and 131. I say that is progress :)

Monday June 10, 2013
Breakfast: 1/2 of 1/2 a bagel with cream cheese, milk
Lunch: Ham and cheese sandwich, pink lemonade, potato chips, 1/2 brownie
Dinner: 1 1/2 slice of pizza, juice
Weight: !!!!129.9!!! :) 
Exercise: 20 minute dance workout

Tuesday June 11, 2013
Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: Pink lemonade, Philly steak and cheese hot pocket
Dinner: Chili dog, juice
Dessert: 1 cookie
Weight: 131.4
Exercise: 35 minute strength training, 50 minute walk with my mom
My bathroom mirror :P

1 comment:

  1. I'm lazy. You'll have to tell me what the article said. My weight fluctuates too. Oh how I would like to see 131 on my scale -Mom
