Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Treats for my man

Monday June 3, 2013
"If you live with people that like to indulge, buy treats that you don't like yourself." This is a little tough for me to do because there is not much I don't like. But one thing is I don't prefer hostess kind of stuff. I will eat it but it is not that big of a temptation for me. Thomas really likes those things so I get them for him. So then we are both happy... well I would be happier with treats but you know what I mean :)

Breakfast: 1/2 bagel with cream cheese
Lunch: 2 open face egg salad sandwiches, beef jerky, 1 glass of pineapple juice
Dinner: Egg, meat, and cheese muffin sandwich, 1 glass of orange juice
Snack: Apple
Weight: 131.6
Exercise: 45 minutes of yoga, 45 minute walk with my mom
My husband definitely does not need to lose weight :P

1 comment:

  1. Good picture of Thomas. I like your idea about the treat thing too. I find that after I have eaten one of those cheap treats, I wish I hadn't eaten it. Better to save my calories for a really good treat. Like a trip to Cold Stone for cake batter ice cream! - Mom
