Friday, June 14, 2013

Leaving the serving dishes on the stove

I read an awesome idea that I have been doing for a couple of weeks now. It has been helping me and Husband T. The health magazine said to leave serving dishes on the stove instead of at the table and you will eat nearly 10 percent less. So I have been putting the right portion on my plate and then not taking more. It helps me monitor how much I am eating. Sometimes it is hard because I am still hungry or what I make taste really good to me but lately I have noticed I am getting to the point where I am not as hungry as I used to be when I started this blog. A lot less can fill me up now. How it has been helping Husband T is I have been trying to have vegetables and if I let him dish his own food he won't take any but if I put it on his plate he eats all of it! It is awesome :)

Wednesday June 12, 2013
Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: 1 1/2 roast beef sandwich, pink lemonade, 1/2 brownie
Dinner: Mac & cheese, Parmesan bread, corn, chocolate milk
Snack: Spoonful of peanut butter
Weight: 131.4
Exercise: 1 hour of Zumba

Thursday June 13, 2013
Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: Egg/cheese/sausage sandwich, juice
Dinner: 2 chicken legs, potato, salad, milk
Weight: 131.0
Exercise: 1 hour of Zumba

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