Thursday, June 20, 2013

3 bite rule

This last weekend was fathers day so I had a lot of opportunities to eat dessert. I decided to do the 3 bite rule so that I could still eat dessert but not regret it. I was surprised how I felt satisfied afterwards. The three bite rule is awesome. I also read that if you still want more after that eat a slice of deli meat and that should help. I never had to do that but its nice to have something to turn to.

Tuesday June 18, 2013
Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: Chicken and bacon hot pocket, juice, grapes
Dinner: Potatoes, ham, grapes, juice
Snack: Cheese
Weight: 127.0
Exercise: 45 minute walk

Wednesday June 19, 2013
Breakfast: Oatmeal, milk
Lunch: 1/2 spaghettio's, 2 chicken legs, pink lemonade
Dinner: Cheese ravioli, grapes, juice
Weight: 129.0
Exercise: 1 hour Zumba class


  1. Where were you that you took this picture? Such a temptation. - Mom

  2. It was at Annalee's wedding :)
