Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Maintaining is easier than losing!

I have decided that as long as I stay under 120 pounds I am not going to count calories on myfitnesspal. It is kind of exhausting to center my life around that every day. I feel that is all I think about. My weight goal is 120 pounds so I decided I would count calories if I am there to protect me from going over. I feel like I would rather attack the problem before it gets out of hand. Maintaining weight is so much easier than loosing weight.
I feel like that is a good way to see a lot of things in my life. Instead of trying to loose weight I would like to maintain it. Instead of trying to fix a messed up marriage I would rather work right now on the small problems. Instead of trying to clean up a super messy apartment I would rather spend a couple minutes a day cleaning up. And on and on. I think I need to read this post a lot to remember to do those things every day :P

Thursday, November 7, 2013

New Goal till January

I have decided since my last post something I can do to float me through the holidays a little bit. Right now I consider a good life style to be for me to exercise 3 or 4 times a week and count my calories. But for the holiday season, because I know I am going to need it, I am going to work out every day. I have kind of been a stickler with myself that the habits I get into now are what I want to do for the rest of my life but I need a little extra push. Once I get into January I think it will be safe to slow down. Here I go...

Workout for today: 45 minute dance off the inches video
Weight: 119.3

I can make it!!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Holiday Season

The holiday season is in full swing and I am scared!!!! Halloween has already hit and I gained 5 pounds! Thanksgiving and Christmas are even harder to stay good. I have been keeping up with counting my calories so every time I go over I know it.... which has been too often lately. I need some help with finding a way to be able to eat all the yummy things these holidays bring without gaining weight. I have kept up with my exercise so I have been doing good there. Any suggestions on how to pull through the season of egg nog and pie?

Weight: 119.3

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I shower every day. Why not exercise? :P

I think it is important for me and everyone else to view exercise as something that fits inside our lifestyles. I like to see it as important as taking a shower every day. Yes taking a shower takes time and sometimes it feels inconvenient but we don't skip showers because of the consequences. Those consequences are very immediate, but exercise, those consequences take some time to really get to you but they can be just as bad. I want to look good and be healthy so I take a shower, but that is also why we exercise. Thinking this way has helped me keep exercising. I have passed my weight goal and my size goal so it makes it easy to just take the easy road. But I don't want someday for it all to catch up to me. I want to stay ahead as much as I can.

Weight: 121.5

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Working out = Good mood

I have gotten into the routine for quite a while now where I go and do Zumba 3 to 4 times a week. On top of that I have been trying to do Pilate's for my core a few times a week. I have found that it is not only helping me stay fit and healthy physically but it is really helping me emotionally. Actually the best workouts I have gotten have been when I have been very angry, stressed out, or depressed because it makes me push through the workout even harder to get it out of my system. It feels so great most of the time. I have felt more in control of my emotions now than I have in quite some time. Though I still struggle now I have a healthy way of working it out of my system. 

Weight: 122.8 :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Pounds! Stop finding me!

Oh no!!!! I was for awhile being consistently 127 pounds and now I am being consistently 129. I want to get on top of this before it gets out of control. Because I know it starts small. Once I met my goal I started just doing Zumba 3 to 4 times a week and I stopped writing down everything I ate. So now so things don't get too out of hand I am going to write down everything and make sure I get some form of exercise everyday but Sunday. I am going to show Husband T what I eat every day, which is totally scary :P He is my greatest motivator :) If I mess up he scolds me... its kind of funny :)
Weight: 129.0

Ya its kind of scary to be scolded by that face :P

Friday, June 21, 2013

I met my goal!!! :)

I did it!!! I met my goal. I can now fit into my size 5 jeans comfortably. It is an awesome feeling. Now I guess my goal is to not change my lifestyle now that I met my goal. I still want to get some form of exercise every day and eat right. After having Baby A I really never thought I would be able to get to this point because it seemed too far. I made it faster than I thought I would. There is something to say about making it a daily goal to treat your body right.

Thursday June 20, 2013
Breakfast: S'more :P
Lunch: Chicken patti, potatoes, corn
Dinner: Lasagna, salad, milk
Dessert: 100 calorie frozen yogurt
Weight: 129.0
Exercise: 45 minute walk

Thursday, June 20, 2013

3 bite rule

This last weekend was fathers day so I had a lot of opportunities to eat dessert. I decided to do the 3 bite rule so that I could still eat dessert but not regret it. I was surprised how I felt satisfied afterwards. The three bite rule is awesome. I also read that if you still want more after that eat a slice of deli meat and that should help. I never had to do that but its nice to have something to turn to.

Tuesday June 18, 2013
Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: Chicken and bacon hot pocket, juice, grapes
Dinner: Potatoes, ham, grapes, juice
Snack: Cheese
Weight: 127.0
Exercise: 45 minute walk

Wednesday June 19, 2013
Breakfast: Oatmeal, milk
Lunch: 1/2 spaghettio's, 2 chicken legs, pink lemonade
Dinner: Cheese ravioli, grapes, juice
Weight: 129.0
Exercise: 1 hour Zumba class

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

That darn cortisol!

Wow its been a few days since I have posted. This post is for all you people that stress way too much. I do, it is a very bad habit :P In your body is a stress hormone called cortisol that builds fat around your mid-section. For us stressed out people that is something we don't want to add on to our plates. Its a good habit to get into taking some time to yourself every day to do breathing exercises or meditating. That is one way to keep back that darn cortisol. I have always been one to have a stress ball with me at all times. I also love that I am doing these Zumba classes, that is a huge stress reliever to me too.
Doing these things have helped with a lot of other aspects in my life too. It is really important for me to keep my stress level down because I have such severe anxiety. I need to be able to take care of my baby. So not only does doing these stress relieving exercises help with my weight but also helps in taking care of my family :)

Friday June 14, 2013
Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: Corn dog, sugar free jello, juice
Dinner: Turkey/avocado/bacon melt, tomato bisk soup
Weight: 129.9
Exercise: 1 hour of Zumba class

Saturday June 15, 2013
Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: Ham and cheese sandwich, fruit strip
Dinner: 2 slices of pizza, strawberry milk
Dessert: 4 bites of ice cream
Weight: 129.9

Sunday June 16, 2013
Brunch: 1/2 waffle, scrambled eggs, spam, orange juice
Dinner: Lasagna, sugar free jello with yogurt,
Snack: Pink lemonade
Dessert: 3 bites of cheesecake, strawberries
Weight: 128.5

Monday June 17, 2013
Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: 2 slices of pizza
Dinner: Hamburger, grapes, juice
Dessert: 2 bits of red velvet cake
Weight: 128.5
Exercise: 20 minutes of strength training
This is what my baby looks like when momma is not stressed :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Leaving the serving dishes on the stove

I read an awesome idea that I have been doing for a couple of weeks now. It has been helping me and Husband T. The health magazine said to leave serving dishes on the stove instead of at the table and you will eat nearly 10 percent less. So I have been putting the right portion on my plate and then not taking more. It helps me monitor how much I am eating. Sometimes it is hard because I am still hungry or what I make taste really good to me but lately I have noticed I am getting to the point where I am not as hungry as I used to be when I started this blog. A lot less can fill me up now. How it has been helping Husband T is I have been trying to have vegetables and if I let him dish his own food he won't take any but if I put it on his plate he eats all of it! It is awesome :)

Wednesday June 12, 2013
Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: 1 1/2 roast beef sandwich, pink lemonade, 1/2 brownie
Dinner: Mac & cheese, Parmesan bread, corn, chocolate milk
Snack: Spoonful of peanut butter
Weight: 131.4
Exercise: 1 hour of Zumba

Thursday June 13, 2013
Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: Egg/cheese/sausage sandwich, juice
Dinner: 2 chicken legs, potato, salad, milk
Weight: 131.0
Exercise: 1 hour of Zumba

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Weight Fluctuation

So I was super excited on Monday because I got my weight down to the one hundred and twenties. Ya 129.9 is way too close to 130 but I didn't care. I was still really excited. But then on Tuesday I got frustrated because I was back up to 131.4. So I googled weight fluctuation to see why this happens because I have noticed it a lot. I read this really good article.
After thinking about it I feel better now. I was fluctuating between 131 and 134 and now I am fluctuating between 129 and 131. I say that is progress :)

Monday June 10, 2013
Breakfast: 1/2 of 1/2 a bagel with cream cheese, milk
Lunch: Ham and cheese sandwich, pink lemonade, potato chips, 1/2 brownie
Dinner: 1 1/2 slice of pizza, juice
Weight: !!!!129.9!!! :) 
Exercise: 20 minute dance workout

Tuesday June 11, 2013
Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: Pink lemonade, Philly steak and cheese hot pocket
Dinner: Chili dog, juice
Dessert: 1 cookie
Weight: 131.4
Exercise: 35 minute strength training, 50 minute walk with my mom
My bathroom mirror :P

Monday, June 10, 2013

Pop tarts for Sunday breakfast

Sunday June 9, 2013
Growing up my family almost always had pop tarts for Sunday breakfast. It kind of became a tradition and I still like doing it. It's just the Sunday thing to do :) I was wondering Sunday morning if I should eat them because they are a bit more calories and not as good for you as some other breakfast foods. Then I remembered something I read in one of my health magazines saying that if you eat dessert, eating it for breakfast is the best thing you can do because then you have the whole rest of the day to work it off. Is that an excuse to eat it? It sure is! Haha.

Breakfast: Pop tarts, milk
Lunch: Thomas's special cheesy ramen
Dinner: Chicken marnae, salad, role, juice
Dessert: Snicker Doodles
Weight: 131.0
Me on pop tarts... haha just kidding :P

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Not Givin' In!

Saturday June 8, 2013
I am craving soda so bad ever since I decided not to drink it anymore. My husband is awesome at cheering me on to stick with my goal. I must not give in!!!

Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: 1 peanut butter french toast, 3 pieces of bacon, milk
Dinner: Hamburger, strawberries, blueberries, crystal light
Snack: String cheese, spoonful of peanut butter, pink lemonade
Weight: 131.4
Exercise: Mowed my parents back lawn

Smile :)

Golds Gym Experience

Friday June 7, 2013
I went to Golds Gym with my friend M and she had a coupon for a free session with a personal trainer so we did that. It was so hard! I am extremely sore now. It was good but it was kind of silly because he was trying so hard to convince us to sign up with a personal trainer. I already knew that was out of the question because I don't have that kind of money. But the things he said to try to convince us were very strange. The most surprising thing was he told me I was clinically obese :P Bwah haha. He then went on to say that I will never reach my goal unless I have a personal trainer no matter what I do. He said to picture that my goal was to get to New York from here. If I went to a personal trainer once a week it would be like walking there, twice a week would be like driving, and 3 to 4 times a week would be like flying there. But basically it doesn't matter how much I exercise and eat well on my own I will never get to my goal :P Well I will just have to prove him wrong :)

Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: Tomato and cheese sandwich, pink lemonade, potato chips
Dinner: Hog dog, 1/2 hamburger, potato chips, milk
Snack: Apple, spoon full of peanut butter
Dessert: 3 snicker doodles, milk
Weight: 130.1
Exercise: 30 minutes with a personal trainer at Golds Gym

I weighed about 130 in this pic. SOOO OBESE! Haha. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Zumba is Amazing :)

Thursday June 6, 2013
I did a Zumba class for the first time and it was amazing! It was so much fun and it was a wonderful workout. I think that is sooo important if you want to consistently exercise. If I went running every day I would give up so fast because I hate running. But if I do something I love it is so much easier to do. I'm so tired now so that is all I will say for today :)

Breakfast: 1/2 bagel, milk
Lunch: Hot dog
Dinner: Beef Stew
Weight: 130.1
Exercise: 1 hour Zumba class
I do LOVE dancing :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Brushing after dinner

Wednesday June 5, 2013
I want to try something new today to see if it helps. I am going to brush my teeth right after eating dinner so I don't eat anything afterwards. I have been doing ok but every once in awhile I slip. I am very much one of those people that in the winter love to have a hot chocolate before bed and in the summer time a bowl of ice cream. Having those things every once in awhile is fine but its really not good to do right before bed. Your metabolism slows down when you sleep so you shift from fat burning to fat storage. I have read that it is good for you to not eat anything three hours before you go to bed.

Breakfast: Honey bunch of oats
Lunch: Orangeade, taquitos, jalapeno poppers
Dinner: Cordon bleu, Parmesan pasta with corn, apple cranberry raspberry juice
Weight: 130.1
Exercise: 45 minute workout on my exercise ball

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The less I eat the less I EVENTUALLY will want

Tuesday June 4, 2013
One thing that has kept me going is excepting that losing weight is not going to be comfortable. Once I excepted that I felt much better about how things were going. I try to look at the positive parts to it. For an example I can think whenever I am feeling hungry its a good thing because that means my stomach is probably shrinking. At least that is what I think happens. I have just noticed throughout my life that when I eat small amounts for a long period of time it gets to the point that eating a small amount makes me full. The hard part is just getting to that point.

Breakfast: 1/2 bagel, 1 glass of 1% milk
Lunch: Chicken/broccoli/cheese crescant hot pocket, 2 glasses of orange juice
Dinner: Hamburger, fries, green beans, 2 glasses of apple/cranberry/raspberry juice
Snack: Orange juice
Weight: 130.1
Exercise: 50 minutes of Pilates, 45 minute walk with my mom
You never know what awesome things you will see on a walk :) I miss living up in the avenues. That was a cool place to walk around. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Treats for my man

Monday June 3, 2013
"If you live with people that like to indulge, buy treats that you don't like yourself." This is a little tough for me to do because there is not much I don't like. But one thing is I don't prefer hostess kind of stuff. I will eat it but it is not that big of a temptation for me. Thomas really likes those things so I get them for him. So then we are both happy... well I would be happier with treats but you know what I mean :)

Breakfast: 1/2 bagel with cream cheese
Lunch: 2 open face egg salad sandwiches, beef jerky, 1 glass of pineapple juice
Dinner: Egg, meat, and cheese muffin sandwich, 1 glass of orange juice
Snack: Apple
Weight: 131.6
Exercise: 45 minutes of yoga, 45 minute walk with my mom
My husband definitely does not need to lose weight :P

Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm full.. therefore I shall stop eating :)

Sunday June 2, 2013
At dinner I put the potatoes, vegetables and pot roast on my plate. About half way through eating what I dished I decided I was full and stopped eating. My husband joked with me that I was waisting food. My dad said something kind of funny. He told Husband T that if he wants a skinny wife its a good habit for me to stop eating once I am full. We all grow up being told we need to finish what is on our plates. But if we can tell when we should stop eating because we don't actually need anymore I think that is a really good thing.

Breakfast: 1 bowl of honey bunch of oats
Lunch: 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, 1 glass of 1% milk
Dinner: Potatoes, vegetable mix, and pot roast
Snack: 3 marshmallows
Dessert: Brownie, 1 glass of 1% milk
Weight: 131.6
That massive piece of pizza was the best!!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Goodbye my good friend! I will miss you terrible :(

Saturday June 1, 2013
Something very sad happened today. I drank my last coke :( I have decided not to buy anymore. One of the suggestions I have been given is to not drink anything with calories. I am not one to just drink water all of the time, although I have been trying to drink a lot lately. So instead of cutting out drinks with calories for the time being, I am just going to try to cut out soda pop. Sooo depressing! I have had some friends and family members that have cut that out of their diets and it has made a huge difference. Why this is especially difficult is because I would gladly drink juice instead. But I am poor, very poor, and juice is so expensive. Except Kool-aid (ha ha if that was good for you I would be in heaven). So water and milk here I come. Thank heavens for frozen juice too. I can afford that sometimes too right? :)

Breakfast: 1/2 bagel with cream cheese, 1 glass of 1% milk
Lunch: Scrambled eggs, toast with jelly, toast with honey, 2 glasses of chocolate milk
Dinner: Lasagna, 2 pieces of cheese bread, coke
Dessert: Cake and ice cream
Snack: Apple, orange juice
Weight: 133.4
Exercise: 1 hour at the park
Me and my soda :P

I never have to skip a meal again!

Friday May 31, 2013
I used to think the less I ate the better off I would be. So I would skip breakfast and lunch and barley eat anything before dinner. Well I read in one of my health magazines that is not going to help me loose weight. (It will just make you sick). If you don't blow off meals you will loose on average 8 more pounds a year!!! If you do blow off meals your body will get really confused and might start storing fat. I call it "starvation mode". You may not be actually starving but your body may think that it will soon if you deprive it of what it naturally needs.
I actually love that I found this out because I really love eating. Skipping meals was always so depressing :P

Breakfast: 1/2 blueberry bagel with cream cheese, 1 glass of 1% milk
Lunch: Beef and bean chimichanga, apple, coke
Dinner: Quesadilla, chips and dip, 1 1/2 glass of 1% milk
Snack: Orangeade
Weight: 132.9
Exercise: 50 minutes fat blasting dance mix, 1 1/2 hour walk with Jelaire.

That is so me eating an apple :)

Friday, May 31, 2013

Goal: size 5!

Thursday May 30, 2013
I have been told by several health magazines that I need to have a specific weight loss goal to reach by a specific date. But I am not going to do that. I have been weighing myself every day and trying to loose weight but that is not necessarily why I am doing this. The healthy weight for someone my height and build is 121 to 135 so I am in that zone. But I am not happy with how I look so that is what I want to change. When I was first told it was ok for me to exercise again I was really determined to loose weight. So I started working out a lot and I started gaining weight!!! I got so frustrated and just gave up. Something occurred to me though, I was gaining weight but I had gone down 3 pant sizes while exercising! I don't know why I didn't remember this insanely common fact that muscle weighs more than fat. So I am going to try not to focus too much on the weight that I put down every day and just try to fit into my favorite jeans someday. I used to wear size 5. After having Baby A I was at a size 13! Now I can barley fit into my size 7 jeans. 2 more sizes to go!

Breakfast: 1 bowl of Honey Bunch of Oats fruit blend
Lunch: Ham and cheese crescent hot pocket, cherry fruit role up, 2 glasses of grape juice
Dinner: Chicken, rice a roni, string beans, 2 glasses of grape juice
Snack: Coke, cheese and crackers, lemon herbal tea
Weight: 131.8
Exercise: 40 minute dance off the inches hip hop body blast, 35 minute walk with my mom
I want that waist again :)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

No Sleep Won't Tear Me Down!

Wednesday May 29, 2013
The day that I knew was going to come came. I knew there would be a morning that I was so tired that I would just want to crawl back into bed instead of exercising in the morning. Last night Baby A had a really rough night. I also had a bit of a scare which lead to kind of a major melt down in the middle of the night. So although I am complaining that I didn't get much sleep, unfortunately my husband got less. He sat up with me and then he had to get up early while I went back to sleep until Baby A woke up again. Poor Husband T was sure nice about it though. He is awesome :) But I had decided when I started this that exercising in the morning was not a choice. I decided I don't even have to think about it, just do it. That is something my little brother would always say to me about things I didn't want to do. Just do it.  I am very proud that I did and I felt much better afterwards. Now if I can keep that attitude that would be awesome!

Breakfast: Oatmeal, 1 glass of 1% milk
Lunch: Coke, Turkey/potato/ peas frozen dinner, banana
Dinner: Chili cheese mac hamburger helper, vegetable mix, 2 glasses of grape juice
Snack: 1 glass of grape juice, apple
Dessert: Sparking jello (jello made with 7-up)
Weight: 134.5 lbs.
Exercise: 1 hour Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones, 50 minute walk with my mom
If only Baby A would sleep all through the night :)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lots of apples and lots of water

Tuesday May 28, 2013
I read in a health magazine something really awesome that I think is good to live by when cravings hit. "If you are not hungry enough to eat an apple, you are not hungry" and "If you are not thirsty enough to drink water, you are not thirsty." So that is what I have been doing. Eating lots of apples and drinking lots of water :) Just doing that won't make me gain weight. Though a hamburger sure sounds good a lot of the time.

Breakfast: Oatmeal, 1 cup of 1% milk
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, chips and dip, can of orangeade
Dinner: Beef stew with rice, 2 cups of chocolate milk
Weight: 134.5 lbs.
Exercise: 20 minutes of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

Monday May 27, 2013
So Monday was memorial day and I kind of did bad. But I guess that is what happens when your whole family goes to a buffet :P So the question of the day is, can you do bad on holidays? Or will it just turn into an "exception" that could possibly turn into a long list of "exceptions". I think if I were to eat a ton and get no exercise every holiday, birthday, or weekend I would be doing terrible about half the time. So I guess the answer is probably no. But at the same time I think its ok to be a little lenient on those days because you don't want to miss out on all the fun. You still have to control yourself though. Since my family went to a buffet what I should have done is picked a couple of things I just had to have and had a smaller portion. And I still needed to spend some time exercising. Then I could still enjoy myself but not hate myself the next day :).

Breakfast: Frosted Flakes
Lunch: 2 cups of root beer, 3 hot wings, 2 roles, Caesar salad, shrimp, 2 coconut macaroons, chocolate strawberry, ice cream, chocolate marshmallow, cotton candy
Dinner: 1 cup of chocolate milk, pulled pork sandwich
Weight: 132.9
Remembering my Grandma on this Memorial Day :)

Blogger Hobby!

Sunday May 26, 2013
One of the reasons I started this blog was because Husband T told me I needed to find a hobby for myself. What I really wanted to do was to join a softball team, or a colorguard team, or a choir
. But I just don't have that kind of free time with my little boy. I asked him if feeding the baby or laundry was counted as a hobby and he said it had to be something I enjoyed. So I asked him if taking showers could be my hobby. He said no.... :P So I asked him if photography worked and he said it did. So I decided that is what I would do in my free time. The problem is I don't really like taking pictures of things that much, I mean its ok. But I love taking pictures of people. I guess that is not the problem... the problem is I am basically antisocial so that wouldn't work out too well :P. So because I needed help staying motivated to exercise and to eat right I started a blog and Husband T says that works as a hobby too. Yay! So now I have a hobby that I can do and have time to take care of my baby.

Breakfast: 2 pop tarts, 1 glass 1% milk
Lunch: Crackers and cheese, taquitos, coke
Dinner: Fettuccine, broccoli, 1 piece of bread, 2 cups of apple juice
Dessert: Cheesecake, 1 marshmallow, 2 rice crispy treats
Weight: 131.4 lbs.
Exercise: Played at park for 30 minutes

My State Championship winning colorguard team 2008 :)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Yard Work! Best Medicine

May 25, 2013
Yesterday was really good and a lot of fun. I have always loved doing yard work but since getting married and always living in an apartment complex I have not done it as much. Every Saturday my parents do so I decided to go help them.
I have been dealing with BPD and severe anxiety and lately it has been much harder to handle. What is awesome though is whenever I stay active and get exercise and make sure I get outside I feel 100% better. Sometimes it is hard to get up and do those things but it is worth it every time and I just need to remember that when I feel like just staying in bed. My awesome mom has been helping me so much with that. She gets me outside and on walks almost every day. Thank heavens for warmer weather!!

Breakfast: Granola Bar
Lunch: Soft Taco, 1 Glass of Milk
Dinner: Chicken Noodle Soup, Half of a Grilled Cheese Sandwich, 1 Glass of Milk
Snacks: Can of Lemonade, 1 Apple, 1 Banana
Weight: 131.4
Exercise: Mowed my parents lawn and planted flowers.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Avoided Mindless Snacking

May 24, 2013
I can already tell this is helping my habits. Yesterday I caught myself mindlessly walking over and looking through my kitchen looking for something to eat. Since I have decided to write everything I eat down it made me stop and think. I never realized until yesterday just how much I snack.
Well yesterday I did eat a hamburger and I would like to leave it at that but not is not completely honest. :P It was a McDonald's hamburger. Oh shame on me... It got me thinking though, I really don't want to cut those things out of my diet. Being as I maybe eat one of those a month. That is what I exercise for right? So it is ok for me to eat what I want to sometimes. It would be better for me to cut those things out entirely but its simple, I don't want to :)

Yesterday: Breakfast- Oatmeal with one glass of 1 percent milk.
                 Lunch- Hamburger, fruit parfait, can of coke.
                 Dinner- Taco Salad, One glass of milk.
                 Snacks- Can of Lemonade, Apple.
                 Exercise- 45 Minute Dance Workout.
                 Weight- 133.6

Friday, May 24, 2013

Here is the culprit!!!

Here is the culprit. He is such a cute culprit :)

Lets see if blogging motivates me!

May 24, 2013
Hi my name is Jaycie and I have a muffin top. This came along in the usual way of my cute new addition to my family, Baby A. He turned 3 months old yesterday. Before he was even born I was itching to loose the weight I was gaining. 6 weeks after he was born the doc told me I was ok to start exercising again and I got right on it.... for about a week. My motivation to exercise got less and less and my lack of sleep got more and more. I started reading health magazines trying to find and "easy" way to loose weight. (None exist, just so you know). I finally decided I just need to do it the hard way, the only way, but I needed to find motivation some how. While this morning laying on the couch reading yet another health magazine I read something that got my attention. It said, "Blog your goal: It's harder to quit in front of an audience." I thought that sounded funny at first but then it sank in. I have just recently watched Julie and Julia so I kind of got excited about it. So here I go. I will take notes during the day and report the next day on here.